If you have been receiving, growing, and your life has been changing here at Living Stream Church. We would like you to become a part of what God is doing and you can do that by sowing your best gift to this ministry or maybe doing something monthly.
Tithing and Offering
To: Living Stream Church
Address: 2016 Anniston,
Jacksonville, FL 32246
Your gift will help us to go further and bring more of what we’re bringing to you to a lot more people.
When giving online set your frequency to recurring and your donation will be withdrawn regularly.
Building Fund
To: Living Stream Church
Address: 2016 Anniston,
Jacksonville, FL 32246
Memo: Building Fund
We are honored to announce our upcoming new home and are excited for this season of growth! We have acquired land for expansion to reach more people and raise a generation that spreads the Gospel to nations
When giving online set your frequency to recurring and your donation will be withdrawn regularly.